In Japan, the rate of HPV immunisation is dismally low. Previous study results showed that mothers in Japan, who have a great influence over their daughters, are typically open to dads participating in the family’s decision-making process regarding getting their daughter HPV vaccinated. Researchers performed a survey to study the nature of the effects of dads’ engagement in the decision-making process on the mother’s decision-making process. They drew a pool of 1,499 eligible mothers with girls aged 12 to 18 from an internet survey panel. They supplied an instructional brochure on HPV vaccine to the mothers in Group A, as well as a second leaflet recommending that they discuss the immunisation with their husbands. They simply provided the informative booklet to Group B. Group C received no leaflets. The mothers were then given a standardised survey questionnaire through the internet. The desire to have their daughter take the HPV vaccination was 21.6 percent, 20.7 percent, and 8.2 percent in Groups A, B, and C, respectively.

Participation of fathers in mothers’ decision-making did not improve the chance of HPV vaccination for their daughters. The informative booklet, on the other hand, proved to be successful for this goal.

