For a study, researchers sought to disseminate new information regarding the natural history of childhood asthma, with a focus on predicting the persistence and remission of asthma in children up to early adulthood. The best predictor was lung function around the age of 8–9: obstructive lung function predicted asthma persistence up to early adulthood, whereas normal lung function predicted remission. It was observed that when lung function is paired with blood eosinophil levels and the degree of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, the ability to predict asthma remission increases. Interventions such as inhaled corticosteroids and immunotherapy appeared to have little effect on the course of asthma. Micro-RNA patterns in blood, for example, had been identified as possible new biomarkers of asthma remission in epigenetic research. Decreased blood levels of mi-R221-5p, which is linked to lower IL-6 production and eosinophilic inflammation, specifically indicate remission. Blood DNA-methylation of a CpG region in Peroxisomal Biogenesis Factor 11 Beta was linked to asthma remission.

Childhood lung function, allergy comorbidity, and polysensitization all predicted the trajectory of asthma. Recent epigenetic research improved the knowledge of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in asthma remission, which can be exploited to enhance prediction or create innovative therapies intended at changing the course of asthma.
