The spinal tuberculosis January needs neurological deficit and deterioration in the functional outcomes. This study resources the recent evidence on the outcomes from spinal tuberculosis. It also highlights the functional recovery and assessment tools for measurement. The study was made based on the journals and articles published from January 2010 to December 2019. Within the time spent around 13 articles were profound focusing on the surgical methods of spinal tuberculosis and its treatment. The study also extended its research based on the proper outcome after the surgery for spinal tuberculosis. Most of the articles were focused on surgery as a mode of treatment of spinal tuberculosis and it has also been used to measure pain-related functions.
Although these functional limitations are not deficits in neurology further studies are also required for examining detailed functional outcomes in spinal tuberculosis by studying the specific functions of the spinal cord to evaluate the outcome of it. However, more articles and research works are needed to find out the exact outcomes of Spinal TB. The study needs to be done with the live patients with Spinal TB and giving them proper treatment. That will give the most effective and exact outcome from the patients suffering from spinal tuberculosis.