The brothers Howard and Hugh Hailey initially identified Hailey–Hailey illness, a rare blistering dermatosis, in 1939. Autosomal dominant inheritance with full penetrance, but varying expressivity among afflicted family members Hailey–Hailey illness manifests clinically during the third and fourth decades as flaccid vesicles and blisters on erythematous skin, resulting in erosions, fissures, and vegetations. Maceration and superinfections are common occurrences. Lesions are generally symmetrically distributed within intertriginous areas such as the retroauricular folds, lateral portions of the neck, axillae, umbilicus, inguinal, and perianal regions. The illness has a chronic relapsing course with spontaneous remissions and numerous relapses. Severe illness can be exasperating and have a significant psychological and social impact. 

The assessment of therapy efficacy and safety is challenging due to a lack of evidence-based recommendations and major clinical studies. Topical and systemic medicines, as well as lasers and surgery, are used as treatments. This study conducts a comprehensive literature search with a focus on traditional and new treatment options for Hailey–Hailey illness.

