Patients with fibromyalgia have a plethora of troubling symptoms; yet, clinicians lack a rational physiopathological framework to explain the many complaints. The goal of this paper is to present a patient-centered holistic fibromyalgia therapy based on a consistent physiopathological model. The argument for classifying fibromyalgia as a stress-related sympathetically sustained neuropathic pain condition is supported by extensive studies. In a subgroup of fibromyalgia patients, autoimmunity is present. The sympathetic-nociceptive short circuit locations are most likely the dorsal root ganglia. In fibromyalgia patients, skin biopsy and ocular confocal microscopy have shown tiny nerve fibre disease. The first step toward successful fibromyalgia therapy is patient empowerment through knowledge and symptom validation. Fibromyalgia is a severe neuropathic pain condition. In fibromyalgia, stress manifests as pain. The variety of fibromyalgia symptoms is explained by autonomic (sympathetic) dysfunction. The well-informed patient must take the initiative in his or her own recovery. Treatment for fibromyalgia frequently necessitates significant lifestyle adjustments. This transition is made easier by physicians and other health-care professionals. The causes of fibromyalgia are addressed in detail. Modern poor behaviours disrupt autonomic nervous system homeostasis and exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms. The medicines now used to treat fibromyalgia are crude and have low retention rates. Autoimmune fibromyalgia necessitates a targeted treatment strategy.

The most successful fibromyalgia treatment is a patient-centered holistic therapy targeted at restoring autonomic nervous system resilience.



