Food allergies are becoming more common. More children are being diagnosed with food allergies, and those who acquire tolerance are taking longer to outgrow them. The goal of this review is to create a profile of the chronic food allergy so that preventative measures and active therapy may be established. Many factors influence food allergy prognosis, including ethnicity and gender, type of food, innate immune system, eliciting dosage, sensitization status and other indicators, gut microbiota makeup, and the presence of comorbidities. Once discovered, a chronic food allergy might be treated with active therapies such as oral immunotherapy or the use of biologics, while keeping in mind the experimental character of the treatment.

When it comes to food allergy prevention and management, having a better grasp of prognostic variables and phenotypes is critical. When feasible, a good categorization of the allergic patient allows for the determination of the degree of exclusion diets and the time of the return of avoided foods. Many new treatments are developing in the treatment of chronic and severe food allergies, with the potential to enhance prognosis and quality of care.

