Environmental exposures, according to recent findings, alter the adult human microbiome. This is a review of new findings on the influence of the work microbiome and occupational chemical, metal, and particle exposures on the human microbiome. Prior research on occupational microbial exposures has been focused on the respiratory effects of endotoxin; however, a recent study reveals that not all endotoxin is the same; endotoxin from some species is proinflammatory, whereas endotoxin from other species is anti-inflammatory. Working with animals has the potential to alter the adult human microbiome, most likely through colonisation. Early research in military individuals and animal models of gulf war sickness indicates that military exposure alters the gut flora and increases gut permeability. Heavy metal and particulate matter exposure, which are frequently high in occupational contexts, alter the gut flora.

Work-related exposures, according to a growing body of data, can alter the human microbiome. The health repercussions of these changes are still understudied. If occupational exposures cause disease via causing changes in the human microbiome, stopping the exposure without addressing the changes in the human microbiome may be inefficient for disease prevention and treatment.

Reference: https://journals.lww.com/co-allergy/Abstract/2019/04000/Impact_of_occupational_exposure_on_human.3.aspx
