The purpose of the retrospective cross-sectional study was to determine how well the Patient-reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Adult Depression (AD), Physical Function (PF), and Pain Interference (PI) scales correlated with the Swiss Spinal Stenosis Questionnaire (SSSQ) in measuring lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). More than 35,000 operations for LSS were performed in 2009, costing $1.65 billion in health care costs. In the United States, there will be more than 2.4 million people with symptomatic LSS by 2021. In medicine, patient-reported outcomes (PROs) were increasingly important in determining value. As a result, comparing PROMIS, a global PRO, to the SSSQ, the “criterion standard” for measuring LSS, would be advantageous. A total of 82 patients with LSS who completed the PROMIS and SSSQ were included in the study. As per institutional protocol , PROMIS AD, PF, and PI were performed at every clinic visit. After that, linear regression analysis was used to see how strongly the SSSQ and PROMIS scores connected. The R2 value for the SSSQ PF versus PROMIS PF was 0.14 (P=0.0008) when linear regression was performed for pretreatment values, whereas the R2 value for the SSSQ symptom severity versus PROMIS PI was 0.03 (P=0.13). The combined SSSQ physical function and symptom severity versus PROMIS AD had an R2 value of 0.07 (P=0.02). The R2 values for a good linear fit when post-treatment SSSQ satisfaction levels were connected to postoperative PROMIS AD, PI, and PF scores were 0.13, 0.25, and 0.18, respectively (P values: 0.01, 0.003, and 0.003). Pre-treatment PROMIS scores do not accurately reflect the disease-specific impact of spinal stenosis, whereas postoperative PROMIS values do. Therefore, PROMIS scores should not be utilized to measure outcomes in patients with LSS independently. 

