Text messaging, smartphone applications, and electronic monitoring devices, among other technological advances targeted at increasing asthma controller adherence, are being quickly integrated into clinical treatment and directly sold to patients. This review examines recent clinical studies that used these treatments, focusing on their advantages and drawbacks. Poor drug adherence continues to cause considerable morbidity in asthma patients. Objective, real-time measurements of adherence can overcome the shortcomings of previous techniques, such as self-report and prescription refills. Technological advancements, particularly those that incorporate reminder systems, have shown increased controller adherence. Increased adherence in these studies has not resulted in consistent clinical benefit, such as fewer hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and asthma exacerbations, which might be attributed to inadequate study design and inhalation method.

Novel monitoring and reminder technology can help patients adhere to their medications and give management with information before increasing therapy. More research is needed to evaluate the technology’s overall clinical impact, especially as it becomes more widely used in clinical practice.

Reference: https://journals.lww.com/co-allergy/Abstract/2017/04000/Incorporating_technology_to_advance_asthma.17.aspx
