The purpose of this study was intended to ascertain, and assess the characteristics associated with various outcomes of concern, the level of awareness, attitudes and behaviours linked to vaccination of Neighborhood pharmacists in Italy. Data were obtained by semi-structured telephone interviews among a national representative group of neighbourhood pharmacists. Of the 550 contacting pharmacists, a total of 389 replied, providing a 70.7% answer rate. Both 10 mandatory newborn vaccines were accurately recorded in just 23.9 percent. Participants of lower years after graduation were more aware of all ten compulsory newborn vaccines relative to owners that often/still have gathered details regarding childhood immunisation and obtained details from educational events. Nearly all thought that their position should be significantly played in vaccine education, although 75.3% felt that these interventions could be more involved.

A vaccine was more likely to be recommended by pharmacists who had received input from outreach activities, who knew all ten obligatory newborn vaccinations and who thought that more involvement would be needed in vaccination interventions. The results may be helpful to develop strategies that address group pharmacist awareness shortages and strengthen guidelines for vaccines.

