The primary goal of this study was to assess the effects of the first European Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) position statement on the diagnosis and therapy of nutritional and gastrointestinal disorders in children with neurological impairment on clinical practise (NI). In this pilot project, a web-based questionnaire was issued to ESPGHAN members via the ESPGHAN newsletter. Fifteen questions addressed the most important areas of nutritional treatment and gastrointestinal problems in children with NI. A descriptive analysis of the replies was carried out. The poll received responses from 150 health experts from 23 nations. There was a significant difference in clinical practise on several areas of dietary and gastrointestinal care of children with NI. Direct observation of meals, with or without the use of standardised evaluations, was the most often used approach for identifying oropharyngeal dysfunction. The most regularly utilised techniques for determining nutritional status were anthropometric measures. Most participants said proton pump inhibitor medication was the best treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Fundoplication was recommended for gastrostomy implantation, especially in cases with uncontrolled GERD.

More research is needed to answer unanswered issues about how to best manage children with NI. Identifying knowledge gaps allows for the development of new recommendations and the improvement of patient treatment.

