The disease of cancer is already very life taking. This deases is ven more serious for those patients who have been in the filed of tranplantaion. In other words, this disease is more dealdy when the pateints is a transplanted one. These patients who have undergone transplanation have a higher risk of contracting skin canver which is related with the higher risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancer compared witht he other populations who have not been a part of this. There is a higher likelihood of 500 percent in this field. There are having a higher chance of death as compared to the noral patientrs. Therefore, it is essential to view and read the reasons which are behind this menace. Therefore, an attempt must be made to ensure that the people are served with the best bets possible treatment in the best posisble way and the care is given to them in the ratio in which the bets possible treatment is made avaible to them. This will help in ensuring them a healthy and a safe life.

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