Preeclampsia is a complication that results during the time of pregnancy. In this complication, the blood pressure remains heightened, resulting in damage to the kidneys, liver, or other pregnant women’s organ systems. The onset of these complications usually occurs after the twenty weeks of pregnancy in a woman whose BP has previously been in the normal range.

This study was conducted to assess women’s ability to recall different types of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy because of its disproportionate cardiovascular risk later in life.

Participants were 5–10 years post-partum with a history of early-onset-, late-onset preeclampsia or gestational hypertension. The recall was assessed by a questionnaire administered, and then the obtained information from the questionnaire was compared to medical records.

Questionnaire-based recall of early-onset preeclampsia had high sensitivity and specificity, late-onset preeclampsia low sensitivity and high specificity, and gestational hypertension had low sensitivity and specificity.

The study concluded through its findings that early-onset preeclampsia can accurately be assessed using a simple questionnaire. Recall of late-onset preeclampsia and gestational hypertension was not accurate.

