Isolated benign lesions of the nasal cavity are commonly reported in rhinology clinic; their treatment using various therapies has been explored in several studies.

The present study was a retrospective study. Isolated lesions of the nasal cavity were removed from forty-seven patients using MWA with a 2450-MHz cooled MWA antenna and sent for histological examination.

The nasal septum was the most commonly involved site, followed by the inferior turbinate, bulla ethmoidal, and uncinate process. The most common pathology was hemangioma, followed by nasal polyp and squamous papilloma. All lesions were removed endoscopically using MWA in patients administered local anesthesia. After six months, follow-up revealed no severe complications, including no cases of recurrent epistaxis, septal perforation, or synechiae of the nasal cavity.

The study concluded that the advantages of MWA are its short ablation time and minimal complications. This was demonstrated in our study in which a single session of MWA was sufficient to excise the isolated lesion while providing hemostasis. Most of the patients well tolerated the procedure, which could be performed using local anesthesia in the outpatient setting.

