There are frequently significant contrasts between human pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles and those created by animal models of infection, and these may prompt considerable contrasts in adequacy comparative with that found in people. Preclinical animal models of infection are employed to develop new agents but also to screen among molecules to rank them. The aim for this study was to understand what Information Do We Get from Preclinical Animal Models? And observe Developing New Drugs for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Therapy. In this research, we utilized the hollow-fiber disease model (HFIM) to assess the effect of various pharmacokinetic profiles of mice and nonhuman primates (NHP) versus people on bacterial cell kill as well as resistance suppression. We examined both plasma and epithelial lining fluid (ELF) profiles. We examined simulated exposures equivalent to 600 mg and 900 mg daily of linezolid in humans. As a result it was found that, mathematical modeling identified a linkage between minimum concentrations (Cmin) and bacterial kill and peak concentrations (Cpeak) and resistance suppression, with the latter being supported by a prospective validation study.The HFIM provides a system to benchmark evaluation of new compounds in preclinical animal model systems against human PK effects.

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