Occupation is a significant determinant in the development of allergy illness in adulthood. This review article focuses on the role of occupation in the development and presentation of food allergies. A variety of vocations require recurrent transdermal and respiratory exposures to food-related allergens, which can result in sensitization. Even in a non-occupational context, a sensitised individual can develop food allergy symptoms after consuming the relevant food. Cooks and other food-processing workers are at a higher risk of being sensitive to foods. While every meal might be the cause of this phenomena, reports of workplace allergy are concentrated in fish and shellfish allergies between cooks and food processors who come in direct touch with these meals. Latex-fruit syndrome is also a reasonably common type of workforce food allergy. Hand eczema was also a significant risk factor for occupational food allergens sensitivity.

In adults, there is a link between work and food allergy. Given the underappreciated nature of this phenomena, we should be conscious in our therapeutic practise that a patient’s career may be related to his or her food allergy.

Reference: https://journals.lww.com/co-allergy/Abstract/2019/06000/Occupational_food_allergy.11.aspx
