Onychomycosis is prevalent and difficult to treat disease. Children have a lesser prevalence, but athletes are 2.5 times more likely to acquire the condition, with toenail infections seven times more common than fingernail infections. This is a worry for athletes since it can impair their performance. The heated atmosphere of many sporting activities; the use of occlusive footwear; the warm, moist environment associated with socks and perspiration; shared, tight quarters among players; and injuries to the foot and toenails all enhance the chance of developing onychomycosis. Onychomycosis therapy, if infected, necessitates a lengthy period of treatment with careful adherence, which may pose a challenge for younger patients. Significant adverse effects are possible with treatment, and recurrence rates remain high. Avoiding infection is a powerful first line of defense that may save you from having to use antibiotics. Preventive measures, such as keeping toenails short and washing linen properly, to mention a few, can be beneficial and are covered in this article. Synthetic, moisture-wicking socks and well-ventilated, mesh shoes have also been proved to minimize wetness and damage.

It is vital to educate students on how to minimize the fungal spread and improve hygiene in the locker room, gym, and pool. This onychomycosis review focuses mostly on preventative approaches and creative developments in sporting equipment. It also includes concise step-by-step preventive guidance aimed at both the general public and professionals. It may be copied and distributed to players, trainers, and coaches as a handout.



