The researcher researched the elucidating patients’ knowledge and counseling perspective on aspirin, reducing hypertensive pregnancy disorders (HDP).

This study was a quantitative survey. The survey was performed, including women who are members of the patient organization Dutch HELLP Foundation due to a history of HDP. The questions asked in the study were related to the level of awareness regarding the impact of aspirin intake during pregnancy.

Awareness of the risk-reducing effect of aspirin on HDP was present in nearly half of the participating women. Statistically, in 51.9% of the 189 women, there was an awareness present. The majority of the women gained this information because their gynecologist informed them and preferred to be told by a gynecologist at the postpartum checkup or consecutive pregnancy, both orally and written.

The study concluded through its findings that half of the women with a history of HDP were aware of aspirin’s risk-reducing effect. It was especially beneficial in reducing the risk in the case of a consecutive pregnancy.

