PROM may cause maternal and neonatal mor­bi­dity and mortality. This study was done with the purpose to in­ves­ti­ga­te the risk factors related to PROM in pregnant wo­men.

This was a study done with a cross-sectional research design. This study was conducted in Kertha Usada General Hos­­­pital, North Bali, Indonesia. 224 reproductive women were selected using consecutive sampling. The dependent variable was the premature rupture of the membrane. The inde­pen­­dent variables were gra­vidity status, ges­ta­tio­nal age, BMI, history of cae­sa­rean section, miscarriage, infection, and anemia. Data of infection was obtained from the examination, such as neutro­phil, lymphocyte, platelet, NLR, and PLR. In this study, the researchers also obtained Hb, MCV, and MCH as a laboratory parameter of ane­mia. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regress­ion to get interpretable findings and come to a useful conclusion.

Multigravida and MCH >34 pg decreased the risk of premature rupture membrane in women of reproductive age.

Through findings, this study concluded that multigravida and MCH >34 pg decrease the risk of premature rupture mem­brane in women of reproductive age.

