Overfeeding an infant with protein can lead to health problems later on, such as diabetes and childhood obesity; lowering the amount of protein in the formula is essential, but so is enhancing the quality of that protein. Alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, partially hydrolyzed whey, and whole milk made up the study formula (SF), which was compared to a commercial formula (CF) and a human milk reference arm to determine its effect on growth and tolerance. Healthy, singleton, term newborns were enrolled in this randomized, double-blind study after they had been in the world for less than 14 days. Daily mean weight gain was the primary indicator. Secondary outcomes were secondary outcomes of anthropometrics, formula consumption; serum amino acids; adverse events; gastrointestinal features; general disposition; and gastrointestinal motility. It was proven to be non-inferior. Over time, z-scores didn’t fluctuate differently between formula groups. In contrast to the CF children, the SF infants had greater serum essential amino acid concentrations (including tryptophan) while consuming less formula (-0.33 oz/kg/day, 95% CI: -0.66 to -0.01, P=0.05) and less protein (-0.13 g/kg/day, 95% CI: -0.26 to 0.00, P=0.05). Weight gain in SF infants was 14.0% (95% CI: 8.3%, 19.7%), length gain was 13.0% (95% CI: 6.0%, 20.0%), and head circumference gain was 18.1% (95% CI: 9.4%, 26.8%) more efficient than in CF children. Infants with SF had softer stools and considerably fewer vomiting episodes than those with CF. This innovative formula may potentially lessen the metabolic cost of protein overfeeding associated with infant formula because it leads to better parent-reported gastrointestinal tolerance and more efficient growth with less daily formula and protein intake.

Source: journals.lww.com/jpgn/Fulltext/2022/10000/Effects_of_a_Novel_High_Quality_Protein_Infant.26.aspx
