OncoLink and the National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance (NCCRA) started a database for patients’ enrollment for clinical trials in March 2001. The creation of the database helps figure out any discrepancies in enrolling via a telephone call.


Patients were provided with a questionnaire with all the necessary information. A basic comparison is drawn concerning clinical trial enrollments done by telephone call and via the internet,


Patients preferred registering via the internet as opposed to a telephone call. Two thousand one hundred sixty-two patients registered through the internet for over 16 months. 89% of the CCT registration were white. 

More young people were registering for CCT via the internet.

Both hospital authority and physicians use the internet as a medical information source. More than 50% of cancer patients use the internet to research cancer-related information, programs and cure.

The potential of registering via the internet is immensely high and has indeed fast-tracked and has increased the registration percentage. This increase has given the patient a chance of getting cured and has provided hope to other cancer patients. 

The NCCRA database has all the information regarding patients who have registered for CCT without breaking the patient-physician confidentiality code.

The Cancer Clinical Trial is significant for the future growth of cancer treatment and cure. Not many patients volunteer for this cause because they fear losing life or other medical complications. The creation of the CCT database has indeed increased the chances of rapid growth in cancer treatment for cancer patients’ bright future.

Ref: Recruitment of Patients Into an Internet-Based Clinical …. https://ascopubs.org/doi/abs/10.1200/JCO.2004.07.103
