QIVs protect against the two influenzas A viruses and co-circulating influenza B lineages. QIVs have been found safe, immunogenic, and efficacious in several phase III clinical trials. Here we assess the safety of QIV after vaccination in Vietnamese infants, children, and adults. 228 Participants were asked to report any solicited AEs occurring within seven days, unsolicited non-serious AEs occurring within 28 days post-vaccination, and SAEs at any time during the study. Researchers completed the survey by 224 participants. Thirty-one children aged 6 − 35 months, 32 children aged 3 − 8 years, 2 participants aged 9 − 17 years, 5 participants aged 18 − 60, and 3 participants aged ≥60 years reported ≥one solicited reaction within seven days following vaccination. The most frequent-solicited AEs were injection-site tenderness or pain, appetite loss, fever, and abnormal crying in 6 − 35 month-olds, and fever, headache, and myalgia in other age groups. No severe-unsolicited AEs or vaccine-related SAEs were reported. These results suggest that QIV is well tolerated across age groups in Vietnam and can safely protect the Vietnamese population against influenza and its potentially serious complications.

Reference: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21645515.2020.1795477
