This study was done to provide a comparison of sensitization profiles determined by SPT and CRD in patients with respiratory allergy and to explore the relationship between sensitization and type and severity of the respiratory disease.

The research design that was used was a cross-sectional, multicenter study of patients admitted to the Otorhinolaryngology Department.

The study was done by including a total of 101 patients. The sensitization profile obtained by SPT had a low agreement with that of CRD, particularly to dust mite allergens and pollens. SPT did not show any significant relationship between sensitization and type/severity of the respiratory disease, CRD allowed to associate Der p 1, Der f 1 and Lep d 2 sensitizations with asthma, and Der p 2, Der f 2 and Lep d 2 sensitizations with more severe symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

The study concluded through its finding that compared with SPT, CRD enables us to describe a more accurate sensitization profile and to identify associations between symptoms and specific antigens. The routine use of CRD in an otorhinolaryngology setting may benefit the management of patients with respiratory allergy.

