There have been no studies comparing the efficacy or safety of standardised parenteral nutrition (PN) with customised PN. In the Home PN group, researchers wanted to see how standardised PN compared to personalised PN affected growth and safety. Descriptive cohort study of Dutch children on Home PN, comparing standardised PN vs customised PN. Micronutrient supplementation was administered to both groups in a comparable manner. The primary objective was growth over a two-year period, with secondary outcomes included electrolyte problems and biochemical abnormalities. In addition, patients were age-matched to account for any confounding factors. Fifty individuals were enrolled in the study, with 16 receiving a standardised PN combination. Age, gestational age, and PN duration were all substantially greater in the standardised PN group. Weight-for-age (WFA) increased in the standardised PN group whereas it decreased in the customised PN group. There was no difference between electrolyte imbalances and biochemical abnormalities. There were no significant differences in WFA, height-for-age, or weight-for-height SD change after age matching, resulting in comparable groups.

When compared to personalised PN mixes, standardised PN mixtures had a comparable effect on weight, height, and weight for height in children with chronic IF over the age of 2.5 years. In terms of electrolyte imbalances and fundamental biochemical abnormalities, standardised PN mixes appear noninferior to customised PN mixtures. Larger investigations are required to corroborate these findings.

