We aimed to standardize opioid prescribing practices at a community oncology clinic to help ensure patient safety and physician compliance with Texas state regulations. All the opioids and other such narcotic drugs are binded under some strict laws by the government and misuse of these drugs are really not appreciated. We developed a new standardized process that incorporated published literature, the Texas Administrative Code, and expert opinion. Two interactive documentation templates (SmartPhrases) were designed to implement the standardized process. The intervention was studied using repeat physician surveys and chart reviews, which prompted action for refinement and sustainability.

At baseline, 9% of providers followed a systematic approach to prescribing opioids and 86% expressed an interest in process standardization. We noted high interprovider variability in the opioid risk stratification and refill process. At 2 months and 6 months post implementation, provider satisfaction with the intervention was 83% and 75%, whereas compliance with SmartPhrase use was 70% and 54%, respectively. The frequency of state database check improved from 36% to 94% in 6 months. 

So we can say that the misuse is still not completely under control and action are necessary. These drugs could help the needy so it must reach the best possible place. 

