Jellyfish stings can be extremely painful, but the resulting ischemia and necrosis of the extremities can be disfiguring and lead to permanent disability. Knowing the proper technique to handle these presentations is problematic. This analysis was conducted to determine the best way to treat ischemia in the limbs following exposure to jellyfish venom. To better understand what is known and what is not known about the therapy and prognosis of these unusual presentations, researchers conducted a systematic review of instances of extremities ischemia and necrosis following envenomation by marine cnidarians.

The development of envenomation’s ischemic complications usually takes place over the course of many days. Maintaining a constant eye on the patient allows the medical staff to respond quickly to any changes in the clinical situation. In the literature, 15 distinct pharmacologic classes have been employed to control these presentations. Only IV infusions of prostaglandin derivatives and intra-arterial thrombolytics have been shown to ameliorate the clinical picture and avoid the necessity for surgical fasciotomy and debridement in some cases. Anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs, steroids, antibiotics, and nitrates, among the most routinely prescribed pharmacologic treatments, have not been reported to affect the clinical picture.

Extremity envenomation by marine cnidarians often leads to necrosis and compartment syndrome, both of which require surgery to treat. However, ischemic development can be halted, and surgical intervention can be avoided only with the timely administration of intravenous prostaglandins or intra-arterial thrombolytics.

