Anaphylaxis is becoming more common in people of all ages, although the risk of morbidity and death is disproportionately high in teenagers. This might be due, at least in part, to a confluence of potentially modifiable psychosocial variables that emerge throughout adolescence. This study identifies the flaws and challenges to effective anaphylaxis treatment in teenagers and provides an integrated tripartite framework that may aid in successful management. Existing anaphylactic self-management techniques, which include cautious avoidance of triggers, detection of early symptoms of anaphylaxis, and timely self-administration of intramuscular adrenaline, frequently fail in teenagers. The effect of the psychological environment throughout the developmental transition of teenagers is one of the most significant impediments to successful management. As a result, risk-taking, poor decision-making during responses, and disobeying management orders are prevalent.

Adolescent anaphylaxis management techniques must be more multifaceted in order to be successful. The study proposes a three-tiered management paradigm that stresses the integration of the following components: a better knowledge of adolescence; inclusion of the elements of teenagers’ social networks; and adolescent-tailored healthcare views. This theoretical framework now has to be translated into an intervention, tested for practicality and piloting, then formalised through randomised controlled trials.


