This study explored the association between provider recommendation and adolescent vaccine coverage. Researchers analyzed data from the National Immunization Survey-Teen including content with one dose of MenACWY, Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis vaccine, and one and three doses of HPV vaccine. They compared vaccine coverage between those who recalled a provider recommendation and those who did not.

Among females with a provider recommendation for the HPV vaccine, receipt of an initial dose of HPV vaccine trended from 57.5% to 74.3%, contrasted to those who did not, trending from 18.1% to 49.8%, and among males, trended from 17.2% to 75.1% for people with a provider recommendation, compared to 0.5% to 44.7% for those without guidance. In 2013, coverage difference by provider recommendation was 26.0% among females for one dose of HPV vaccine and 21.9% for three doses, and among males was 44.8% and 20.8%, respectively, while it was lower at 15% for MenACWY and 7.6% for Tdap.

For each vaccine, coverage was higher with a provider recommendation; researchers noted the most significant difference for the HPV vaccine. This finding verifies for providers the importance of their advice, especially for the HPV vaccine.

