There has been a huge amount of conundrum which has been surfacing the increasing tendency of people living a life of tension since the last outbreak of coronavirus. This is because of the reason that it has made the world realize that there are many things in the world that are yet to be accomplished and hence, every possible attempt must be made in order to ensure that the people are provided with the best possible care. The coronavirus is not only affecting the healthy population but instead, it is proving to be very detrimental for the people who have already been suffering from serious health ailments like diabetes ulcer foot. Therefore, the impact of COVId has been very serious over these persons. In the recent study conducted it was observed that around 95 percent of the persons who have already been suffering from serious health ailments are affected in a very deadly manner after the spread of coronavirus. This study has been conducted under the aegis of the Human Research Ethics Committee of Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Therefore, they have been disruptive effects on the people infected with this problem. Therefore, care must be taken to the maximum possible extent.

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