For a study, researchers sought to understand that the stratum corneum prevents topical, transdermal absorption. However, lasers can enhance topical uptake by rupturing the epidermal barrier. Nonablative lasers were frequently employed, but for best results, it was important to keep an eye on how they affect topical absorption. The study aims to evaluate the transdermal absorption of 4 topicals following non-ablative fractional diode laser pretreatment. Human donor tissue was pre-treated ex vivo with a non-ablative fractional diode laser prior to application of 2% salicylic acid, 10% ascorbic acid, over-the-counter mineral eye serum, or 4% hydroquinone (1,927 nm or 1,440 nm, at varying treatment densities, powers, and peak energies). An evaluation of topical uptake was done throughout a 24-hour period. Pretreatment with the 1,927 nm wavelength was associated with increased uptake of mineral eye serum, 4% hydroquinone, and 10% ascorbic acid despite lower power settings than pretreatment with the 1,440 nm wavelength. Furthermore, compared to 1,440-nm laser pretreatment with lower density (80 MTZ/cm2) and peak power (3W), higher density (320 MTZ/cm2) and peak power (3W) were connected to similar absorption but better retention of 2% salicylic acid and larger uptake of 10% ascorbic acid (1.2W). Device parameters should be changed when laser pretreatment to balance results with any potential negative effects.

