The present study is a retrospective study of EC episodes by quarters. Among women offered all three EC methods.

In 6110 episodes of EC, LNG was issued in 69.2%, UPA in 26.0%, and doctors fitted a copper intrauterine device in 4.8%. Quarter by quarter, the data show a small decline in LNG use, suggesting plateauing by the last quarter, and a significant increase in UPA use between the first and the other three quarters. Use of the Cu-IUD remained static. The percentage of women offered three methods rose to 54.2%. Women offered a top choice, we saw a significant increase in UPA choice, from 39.3% to 48.6%. Women who chose LNG were more likely to quick start or be continuing contraception already used.

The study concluded a significant increase in women using UPS for EC compared with our previous study, particularly among those wishing to use condoms for continuing contraception. Women choosing LNG were more likely to quick start pills or to continue current hormonal contraception. Detailed attention to continuing contraception following EC may be an essential factor in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy.

