: To characterize presentations, characteristics and outcomes of uveitis in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome in a North American First Nations (FN) population.: Charts of 27 Canadian FN patients with VKH uveitis were retrospectively reviewed to characterize demographics, disease characteristics, management, complications and visual outcomes.: Average age at uveitis onset was 30.9 ± 13.8 years. Twenty-six patients 10 (96.3%) were female. Nine patients (33.3%) demonstrated complete VKH, 8 (29.6%) incomplete, and 10 (37%) probable VKH. Systemic associations included integumentary (19 patients, 70%), neurologic (17 patients, 63%), and auditory (13 patients, 48%) findings. Initial rates of mild, moderate and severe vision loss were 19 eyes (35.2%), 12 eyes (22.2%), and 23 eyes (42.6%), respectively, compared with final rates of 19 eyes (35.2%), 14 eyes (25.6%) and 21 eyes (38.9%), respectively. Average change in visual acuity was 15 0.1 ± 6.3 Snellen lines. Rates of immunomodulatory therapy (IMT) use (10 patients, 37%) fell short of targets.: VKH may cause potentially severe uveitis in this population. Comorbidities including tuberculosis and diabetes, in addition to unique cultural, linguistic and geographic factors, may necessitate complex, individualized management strategies.
