In recent decades, many researches manifested that the perimenopause is a window of vulnerability for the development of both depressive symptoms and major depressive episodes. Some scholar thought that those women diagnosed with depression may be particularly sensitive to changes in the hormonal milieu experienced premenstrual, during the postpartum period or during the menopause transition in. Risk factors for depressive symptoms during the perimenopause include prior standardized mean difference (MDD), psychosocial factors, anxiety symptoms, and reproductive-related mood disturbance. However, active vitamin D (VD), exerts protective and regulatory effects on the brain dopamine system and suggests that similar to the antidepressant. Therefore, serum 25(OH)D level may be negatively correlated with the perimenopausal depression.
The study only selects clinical randomized controlled trials of depression in perimenopausal women. We will search each database from the built-in until October 2020. The English literature mainly searches Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science. While the Chinese literature comes from CNKI, CBM, VIP, and Wangfang database. Meanwhile, we will retrieve clinical trial registries and grey literature. Two researchers worked independently on literature selection, data extraction, and quality assessment. The dichotomous data is represented by relative risk, and the continuous is expressed by mean difference or standard mean difference, eventually the data is synthesized using a fixed effect model or a random effect model depending on the heterogeneity. The serum vitamin D level, Hamilton Depression Scale, or Beck Depression Inventory or Zung self-rating depression scale or patient health questionnare-9 were evaluated as the main outcomes. While several secondary outcomes were also evaluated in this study. The statistical analysis of this Meta-analysis was conducted by RevMan software version 5.3.
This meta-analysis will further determine the association analysis between VD level and depression in women perimenopause.
This study determines the VD level is related to the occurrence of depression in perimenopausal women.
