Precision oncology involves effectively selecting drugs for cancer patients and planning an effective treatment regimen. However, for Molecular targeted drug, using genomic state of the drug target to select drugs has limitations. Many patients who could benefit from molecularly targeted drugs, but they are being missed due to the insufficient labelling ability of the existing target genes. For non-specific chemotherapy drugs, most of the first-line anticancer drugs do not have biomarkers to guide doctor make treatment regimen. Furthermore, it is important to determine a long-term treatment plan based on the patient’s genomic data during tumor evolution. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a tumor drug sensitivity prediction model, which can assist doctors in designing a personalized tumor treatment regimen. This paper proposed a novel model to predict tumor drug sensitivity including targeted drugs and non-specific chemotherapy drugs. This model uses statistical methods based on Bimodal distribution to select multimodal genetic data to solve dimensional challenges and reduce noise and to establish a classification model to predict the effectiveness of the drug in the tumor cell line using machine learning. The experimental test 87 molecular targeted drugs and non-specific chemotherapy drugs. The results show that the method can effectively predict the sensitivity of tumor drugs with an average sensitivity of 0.98 and specificity of 0.97. This model is worth to promotion. If it can be successfully used in clinical trials, it will effectively assist doctors to develop personalized cancer treatment programs and expand the application of molecularly targeted drugs.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
