To present our long-term experience of bladder plate herniation technique in patients with bladder exstrophy epispadias complex (BEEC) and inadequate bladder plate.
Ten BBEC patients with inadequate bladder plates were referred. The bladder underlying fascia was opened and the exstrophic bladder was fixed above the peritoneal cavity to herniate the peritoneal contents beneath the bladder plate so that the abdominal pressure would be directly transferred to the posterior bladder wall; causing gradual bladder expansion and auto-augmentation. In 5 patients, the inguinal hernia was fixed to increase the pressure transferred to the exstrophic bladder. The bladder capacity was measured while the patient was crying and when the bladder was enlarged. Cystometry and voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) were performed before the application of this technique and during the next 6 to 8 months, to determine the bladder capacity for further primary bladder closure.
The bladder was enlarged during straining/crying without any complications. The average bladder capacity was increased about 2.5 to 3 times after 8 months of follow-up so that it was suitable for undergoing primary closure. None of the children needed bladder augmentation following the single-stage total BEEC reconstruction.
This technique seems to be safe, effective, and feasible in patients with small-sized bladder and may be performed before the primary closure to increase the success rate. This technique may be effective in increasing the bladder capacity for staged bladder closure and bladder neck reconstruction without further need for bladder augmentation.

Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.
