
Diet & Nutrition

Authoritative medical articles, news, research, and guidelines pertaining to Diet & Nutrition.

Virgin olive oil metabolomics: A review.

Metabolomics involvement in the study of foods is steadily growing. Such a rise is a consequence of the increasing demand in the food sector to address challenges regarding the issues of foo...

Virgin olive oil metabolomics: A review.

A Pediatric CDS Guide to Peanut Allergy

Data indicate that peanut allergy is a growing epidemic, with a current prevalence of 2.2%, up from 0.8% in the early 2000s. Evidence suggests that parent and pediatric clinician concerns ha...

A Pediatric CDS Guide to Peanut Allergy

Nonnutritive Sweetener Use in Children

Nonnutritive sweeteners (NNSs)—also known as non-caloric artificial sweeteners or high-intensity sweeteners—are common in food, beverages, condiments, and even gum. NNSs have been propos...

Nonnutritive Sweetener Use in Children

Young Athletes & Disordered Eating

Evidence suggests that disordered eating (DE) is a growing problem among adolescent athletes, with a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Additionally, DE can progress to eati...

Young Athletes & Disordered Eating

EPIT for Peanut Allergy

As there is currently no cure for food allergy, the focus of drug development has been on providing protection against accidental exposure reactions, with caregivers often expressing a desir...

EPIT for Peanut Allergy

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