The menstrual cycle involves recurrent fluctuations in hormone levels and temperature via neuroendocrine feedback loops. This paper reviews the impact of the menstrual cycle on several common neurological conditions, including migraine, seizures, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease.
The ovarian steroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone, have protean effects on central nervous system functioning that can impact the likelihood, severity, and presentation of many neurological diseases. Hormonal therapies have been explored as a potential treatment for many neurological diseases with varying degrees of evidence and success. Neurological conditions also impact women’s reproductive health, and the cessation of ovarian function with menopause may also alter the course of neurological diseases. Medication selection must consider hormonal effects on metabolism and the potential for adverse drug reactions related to menstruation, fertility, and pregnancy outcomes. Novel medications with selective affinity for hormonal receptors are desirable. Neurologists and gynecologists must collaborate to provide optimal care for women with neurological disorders.
