Certain urban areas could contain many pigeon’s allergens, which may play an imperative role in the exacerbation of asthma in pigeon allergen sensitive asthma patients. The circulating form of MUC1 in human serum has been considered as a biomarker for some allergic diseases. The study aimed to investigate the role of MUC1 in pigeon allergens positive asthma patients.
We were enrolled 200 asthma patients including 81 males and 119 females. After positive pigeon exposure history, 108 patients underwent SPT testing against pigeon allergens (dropping and feather). A total of 17 patients, who had exposure history with SPT positive were undergone detail clinical examination. Serum MUC1expression analysis was done by western blotting method.
Out of 200 asthmatic patients, 108 (54%) patients had a history of exposure to pigeons. Skin prick test against pigeon (feather & dropping) allergens was positive in 17 (15.7%) patients among exposure asthmatics. The mean age of the study population was 28.8 ± 10.4 years with 9 males and 8 females. Baseline airway obstruction was seen in 58.8% cases. Out of 17 pigeons expose and sensitive asthmatic the MUC1 expression was up-regulated in 15 (88.2%) and down-regulated in 2 (11.8%). The mean value MUC1 fold change of 15 patients with up-regulation was 4.63 ± 3.00 fold.
MUC1 expression was up-regulated in 88.2% of patients, who were exposed and sensitive to pigeon allergen (dropping and feather). MUC1 may consider as a biomarker in pigeon sensitive asthma patients.

Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
