To target mobile tumors in radiotherapy with the recent MR-Linac hardware solutions, research is being conducted to drive a 3D motion model with 2D cine-MRI to reproduce the breathing motion in 4D. This work presents a method to combine several deformation fields using local measures to better drive 3D motion models.
The method uses weight maps, each representing the proximity with a specific area of interest. The breathing state is evaluated on cine-MRI frames in these areas and a different deformation field is estimated for each using a 2D to 3D motion model. The different deformation fields are multiplied by their respective weight maps and combined to form the final field to apply to a reference image. A global motion model is adjusted locally on the selected areas and creates a 3DCT for each cine-MRI frame.
The 13 patients on which it was tested showed on average an improvement of the accuracy of our model of 0.71 mm for areas selected to drive the model and 0.5 mm for other areas compared to our previous method without local adjustment. The additional computation time for each region was around 40 ms on a modern laptop.
The method improves the accuracy of the2D-based driving of 3D motion models. It can be used on top of existing methods relying on deformation fields. It does add some computation time but, depending on the area to deform and the number of regions of interests, offers the potential of online use.

Copyright © 2021 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica e Sanitaria. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
