Sleep disturbances are a prevalent and pernicious correlate of most emotional disorders. A growing body of literature has recently found evidence for an association between sleep disturbances and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Though informative, this link has yet to be explored in a veteran population. Further, the degree to which this relationship is accounted for by relevant third variables is limited. The current study investigated the relationship between self-reported insomnia and OCD symptoms after controlling for probable depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) using an unselected sample of veterans ( = 57). Most of the sample reported clinically significant OCD (61%) and insomnia symptoms (58%). Results revealed associations between insomnia and OCD unacceptable thoughts/neutralizing compulsions, but not contamination obsessions/washing compulsions, responsibility for harm obsessions/checking compulsions, or symmetry obsessions/ordering compulsions. Findings highlight the need for more research on OCD and sleep problems and clinical work focused on sleep for patients reporting increased OCD symptoms, particularly veterans.
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