Screening and diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) is crucial as this arrhythmia is asymptomatic in a third of patients and 5% of patients present a stroke as the first manifestation of their AF. The European Society of Cardiology recommends opportunistic screening of AF in patients over 65 years of age and systematically in patients over 75 years of age. The simplest way is pulse taking, but the number of connected devices for AF screening allows to multiply the frequency of screening and thus increase sensitivity, with another advantage of a digitalized transmission of the tracing. However many questions remain. No scientific evidence has demonstrated a benefit for AF screening. We do not know what duration and frequency of screening is relevant. The burden of AF which increases thromboembolic risk is not known. What population should be screened and how to consider subclinical AF? We will obtain answers to our questions in the coming years thanks to the results of the various studies in progress.
