Strangulation is a rare complication of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). There are few cases in the literature describing strangulated CDH. However, none of them was a recurrence of a previously repaired defect nor resulted in short bowel syndrome.
We report an unusual case of newborn presenting with CDH that was repaired shortly after birth but developed recurrence with strangulation few months after, requiring a massive resection, resulting in short bowel syndrome (SBS). It was managed via total parenteral nutrition feeding for three months until the patient was able to tolerate orally.
There were one familiar case in the reported literature by Woolley of an infant developing bowel infraction as a result of CDH where he later developed short bowel syndrome.
Short bowel syndrome is an unlikely outcome of strangulated CDH. Early repair of the defect should be promoted to avoid the devastating consequences of an CDH similar to the ones encountered in our case. High index of suspicion should be kept during the follow-up of patients with CDH post repair to detect early signs of recurrences.

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