In Moscow (as of January 1, 2020), the number of population made up to 12,678,079, and out of them the elderly population made up to 2.8 million. Up to the end of 2020, the number of the elderly will reach 3.3 million requiring implementation of corresponding preventive measures due to mass prevalence of coronavirus infection. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that despite restructuring of functioning of industry, social security and health care, quarantine and self-isolation occurred to be exactly the effective measures. The self-isolation regimen also revealed aggravation of harmful effects of stress factors, hypodynamia, hypooxygenation and decreasing of immunological resistance. It is especially important to organize leisure activities and to create the most comfortable conditions for isolated living of the elderly as most susceptible to infection. The experience demonstrated that properly chosen set of activities during self-isolation regimen both disciplines and permits to apply surplus of free time to intensify health potential and to consolidate family relationships.
