

Cognitive Impairment Common in Patients With CKD

Cognitive impairment in kidney failure is com- mon and has significant implications for informed decision making and treatment choices, according to a study published in the Journal of Renal Care. Therefore, routine assessment...

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Cycling During Dialysis Might Help Patients

Cycling during dialysis sessions could boost patients’ heart health and cut medical costs otherwise difficult to achieve because of the timeconsuming nature of dialysis, according to a study published in Kidney International....

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Conference Highlights: SCM 2021

New research was presented at SCM 2021 Virtual, the Spring Clinical Meetings of the National Kidney Foundation, from April 6-10. The features below highlight some of the studies that emerged from the virtual conference. Factors...

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Gifting: Gifts from Patients

There are rules to be followed when a doctor gets a gift from a patient. You are a fiduciary for your patients, bound to only act for their good, and a gift can skew that. On the other hand, the emotional rigors of medical care...

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Stopping RAS Inhibitors May Worsen Outcomes in CKD

The decision to stop renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitor therapy in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) should take into account both cardiovascular risk and the risk for kidney replacement therapy,...

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Virtual Kidney Transplant Evaluation Possible

Adoption of a virtual platform has allowed continued maintenance of a large kidney transplant program despite the inability to have in-person visits during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study published in the Journal of...

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The alarming frequency of errors in medical records

O ver the course of my 45 or so years in the business, I have noticed that many patient charts contain errors. I’ve never stopped to count them, but some investigators at five leading academic centers recently did. Of 22,889...

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