Photo Credit: Mohamed
The following is a summary of “A Double-Blind Comparative Study of burstDR Versus Tonic Epidural Motor Cortex Stimulation for the Treatment of Intractable Neuropathic Pain,” published in the January 2025 issue of Pain by Seznec et al.
Prior studies investigating epidural motor cortex stimulation (eMCS) for drug-resistant neuropathic pain have demonstrated initial promise with novel burstDR waveforms, although the current level of evidence remains limited.
Researchers conducted a retrospective study to compare the analgesic efficacy of burstDR and tonic eMCS.
They selected patients with unilateral, drug-resistant neuropathic pain for eMCS. In the trial phase, burstDR and tonic waveforms were applied randomly for 3 months each in a double-blinded manner. The primary outcome was the percentage of pain relief (%PR) at 3 and 6 months while, the secondary outcome was the proportion of patients reporting greater %PR with burstDR waveform.
The results showed that 13 patients were included. The average %PR was 75.4% ± 18.6% with burstDR eMCS and 61.1% ± 28.6% with tonic eMCS (P = 0.21), 9 patients preferred burstDR for chronic eMCS (P = 0.16), and 6 reduced or stopped the analgesic medications with no adverse side effects were reported with burstDR eMCS.
Investigators concluded the burstDR eMCS was at least as effective as tonic eMCS for treating drug-resistant neuropathic pain, with a similar safety profile.
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