

Authoritative medical articles, news, research, and guidelines pertaining to Hypertension.

Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Aldosteronism.

Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common cause of secondary hypertension. Increasing evidence has demonstrated an increased cardiovascular risk in patients with PA compared to those wit...

Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Aldosteronism.

Video Laryngoscopy FPS Rate

Using direct laryngoscopy (DL) using a Macintosh blade is the traditional, standard technique for endotracheal intubation. Over the last decade, the frequency of video laryngoscopy (VL) use ...

Video Laryngoscopy FPS Rate

Osteoporosis Trends & Disparities

Data indicate that the declining trend of hip fracture among Americans plateaued in 2012 before increasing through present day. “Since hip fractures are the most common result of osteoporo...

Osteoporosis Trends & Disparities

Predicting Renal Cell Carcinoma

Although the standard mode of classification and reporting of cancer—Tumor, Node, Metastases (TNM) classification—is efficient in categorizing cancer, it has limited prognostic capabilit...

Predicting Renal Cell Carcinoma

New SLE Classification Criteria

Evidence suggests that the complex nature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) makes it difficult for clinicians to diagnose the autoimmune disease. With two SLE classification criteria c...

New SLE Classification Criteria

Patient’s Perspective on High Hospital Use

Evidence indicates that a small portion of hospitalized patients comprises a majority of hospitalizations through frequent readmission. “It’s frustrating for healthcare professionals, b...

Patient’s Perspective on High Hospital Use

Patient Selection for Antireflux Surgery

While antireflux surgery is often proposed to patients with proton pump inhibitor-refractory GERD, a subgroup of patients remains symptomatic or experiences late complications of surgery, ...

Patient Selection for Antireflux Surgery

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